Edge Announces Breakthrough in Cell-Based Cosmeceutical Production, Paving the Way for a Revolution in Cosmetics

December 2023, NYC – At Edge, we are providing high-value specialized ingredients that can be used for the activation of stem cells. This month we are excited to announce the successful production and delivery of 5 samples of a tailored fibroblast conditioned media, marking a significant milestone for the company. These samples, produced in November, demonstrate Edge’s innovative approach to creating animal-identical cell-based proteins, offering a sustainable and efficient solution for cosmetics.

Edge’s Innovation is in its Culturing and Processing

Bryce Rogers, Lead Biomechanical Engineer at Edge, highlights the expression and culture optimizations that led to this achievement. Edge has optimized its harvesting in challenging conditions with the innovative use of a semi-automated algorithm-controlled system. This process, costing significantly less than traditional methods, allows us to clean and concentrate our product efficiently.

Edge has invested in building out a quality control infrastructure to be market-ready. Today we regularly test batches for efficacy, identity, and sterility. Our ingredient not only contains the entire cell secretome for enhanced efficacy but is also produced without harsh chemicals and contains no endotoxins, ensuring safety and sustainability. This emphasizes the distinction of Edge’s production methods from traditional protein production.

It All Starts With Samples

Understanding the importance of real-world application, Edge has strategically sent these samples to interested parties within the cosmetics industry. Our strategy is to establish strong supplier-customer relationships. By sending out samples, we enable potential customers to test our growth factor’s fit for their specific applications.

The recipients, selected for their interest and relevance, will provide valuable feedback on the efficacy and compatibility of Edge’s product with various cell types and conditions. We’ve already received multiple letters of intent from potential customers excited to try our product.

The Scaling Plan

Looking forward, Edge plans to scale up production, starting with larger shaker flasks and gradually moving to larger bioreactors. Our goal is the commercial-scale production of 500 kg of recombinant proteins (not just growth factors) per year, catering not only to cosmetics but also to the cellular agriculture and life sciences sectors. Addressing the challenges of scaling up, he mentioned the focus on optimizing culture conditions, maintaining sterility, and partnering with compatible manufacturing facilities.

Regulatory Compliance and Future Collaborations

Many people often are curious about the regulatory pathway for us. The FDA has issued at least two statements regarding growth factors in consumer products (in response to cultivated meat: Upside Foods and Good Meat). They have provided the green light in both cases. More relevant however is meeting international safety and manufacturing methodologies. We are working diligently to achieve these standards for our pilot and commercial facilities.

As Edge looks to the future, the company is actively seeking more partnerships and customers, aiming to establish its conditioned media product as a standard in the industry. “In a year, we envision Edge regularly filling orders and being recognized as a crucial enabler in reducing the cost burden of growth factors and recombinant proteins,” Manny, Edge’s founder, concluded.

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