Fibroblast Conditioned Media a New Contender in Anti-Aging Skin Care

By: Shyam Arvadia and Manny Tamargo

What is the fibroblast secretome and why is it called fibroblast conditioned media?

Fibroblast conditioned media is an innovation initially limited to regenerative medicine and cell therapy. It is now entering the cosmetic industry wherein the cell secretome – a rich array of substances secreted by the cells – is used to offer transformative potential in cosmetic applications. It is changing our approach to anti-aging treatments, traditional methods, and ingredients.

Fibroblast and stem cell conditioned media are the liquid from fibroblast and stem cell culture, respectively. Cells are cultured in a nutritious “soup” called media. After the cells are cultured in the media, it is considered “conditioned” due to the excretion of various bioactive molecules into the media. Fibroblasts are essential for producing collagen and other matrix proteins, and release a variety of beneficial substances, including growth factors, cytokines, and proteins, into their growing medium. At Edge, we harvest this rich, bioactive media and purify it to create a powerful ingredient for skincare products.

36% of protein-coding genes are attributed to secreted proteins. So what can you find in conditioned media?

  • Growth Factors are proteins that are essential for maintaining healthy, youthful skin. They promote cell repair and growth, and their decrease as we age is a primary reason for skin aging.
  • Cytokines are small proteins that are crucial in cell signaling. They are released by cells and affect the behavior of other cells.
  • Exosomes carry important information in the form of signaling molecules
  • Extracellular matrix proteins and regulators are proteins that provide structural and biochemical support to the surrounding cells.

Not all conditioned media is created equal. Since we are complex mammals, conditioned media from sources that closely match our biology is most effective in cosmetics. While stem cell conditioned media contains a rich array of growth factors and exosomes beneficial for skin renewal and collagen support, fibroblast conditioned media includes fibroblast-derived factors making it particularly effective for targeting signs of skin aging. For example, fibroblast conditioned media is notable for its high concentration of growth factors like Transforming Growth Factor (TGF-b), Granulocyte Monocyte Colony Growth, and Interleukins. These components are crucial for maintaining skin health, aiding cell turnover, and promoting collagen production, making fibroblast conditioned media particularly effective in anti-aging skincare products. 

Fibroblast conditioned media is not the only secretome with a role to play – conditioned media from other sources have unique skin care benefits as well.

Types of Conditioned Media in Cosmetics

  • Plant Cell Conditioned Media: Rich in antioxidants.
  • Bacterial Ferment Media: Cultivated from beneficial bacteria, it supports the skin’s microbiome and texture.
  • Human Fibroblast Cell Conditioned Media: High in growth factors and proteins, it excels in skin regeneration and repair, perfect for anti-aging products.
  • Human Stem Cell Conditioned Media: Known for its regenerative properties, it focuses on cell renewal and wrinkle reduction.

With all of these benefits, it is no surprise that conditioned media usage in the cosmetics industry is growing around the world. One early adopter of conditioned media is SkinMedica (Allergan), which sells a TNS Recovery Complex (human fibroblast conditioned media). In their clinical studies, SkinMedica reported that participants felt 6 years younger after 12 weeks of using their product. Other companies such as Symbiome boost their impact by increasing the concentration of the conditioned media in their product to 50%! AnteAge, FactorFive, and Droplette are a few other brands that have leveraged conditioned media ingredients to make a name for themselves.

So What’s Our Edge?

Edge’s fibroblast conditioned media distinguishes itself in the competitive landscape of anti-aging skincare with several key advantages:

  1. Enhanced Concentration and Efficacy: Due to our proprietary culturing methods, our fibroblast-conditioned media is highly concentrated, leading to more potent effects in skin rejuvenation and anti-aging. We reach cell concentrations that are 5x higher than competitors.
  2. Product Concentration: We then pass our rich conditioned media through filters to achieve a 10x concentration, providing a cell protein-rich conditioned media .
  3. Waste-Free and Safe Formulation: In contrast to competitors, our formulation is waste-free, containing no ammonia or lactate. This not only ensures a gentle product but also aligns with Edge’s sustainability principles. The product is freeze-dried and endotoxin-free, ensuring quality for the chemist and safety for the consumer.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Edge provides the most cost-effective solution in the market. Our streamlined production process and reduced downstream processing lead to lower costs without compromising quality or efficacy.
  5. Quality and Authenticity: Edge’s commitment to authenticity and quality is evident in its approach to skincare. We utilize food-grade inputs and avoid carrier proteins, ensuring that our fibroblast conditioned media is effective and aligns with our high standards of skin health and safety.

Fibroblast Conditioned Media represents a significant breakthrough in anti-aging skincare solutions. With its rich blend of growth factors, cytokines, exosomes, and proteins, fibroblast conditioned media offers unparalleled benefits in skin rejuvenation, collagen production, and the overall improvement of skin health. As we’ve explored, fibroblast conditioned media’s unique composition and targeted benefits make it a great choice, especially when compared to other types of conditioned media.

At Edge, our product stands out for its enhanced concentration, waste-free and gentle formulation, cost-effectiveness, and commitment to quality and authenticity.

What does this mean for the skincare of tomorrow?

Edge is poised to transform skincare with its ethically-sourced, protein-rich fibroblast conditioned media, offering a potent solution for enhanced rejuvenation and anti-aging. This breakthrough product is set to redefine efficacy in skincare by:

  • Boosting Skin Repair and Regeneration: High concentrations of growth factors and cytokines in Edge’s fibroblast conditioned media significantly enhance skin cell regeneration, reduce wrinkles, and improve skin texture.
  • Increasing Collagen Production: The media’s rich protein content bolsters collagen synthesis, vital for skin elasticity and reducing aging signs like fine lines.
  • Enhancing Moisturization: Key proteins and peptides improve the skin’s moisture retention, promoting a youthful appearance.
  • Soothing Inflammation: Anti-inflammatory properties in the media help in calming sensitive skin and reducing redness.
  • Providing Antioxidant Benefits: The diverse protein composition offers protection against oxidative stress and environmental damage.
  • Natural Biocompatibility: Derived from human cells, Edge’s fibroblast conditioned media is highly compatible with human skin, minimizing irritation risks.
  • Ethical and Sustainable Approach: Aligning with the growing demand for responsible skincare, Edge’s fibroblast conditioned media is both sustainable and ethically sourced for eco-conscious consumers.

With these properties, Edge’s fibroblast conditioned media is not just a product but a paradigm shift in skincare, combining science, ethics, and sustainability.

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